Course Schedule
The course programme is characterised by a broad interdisciplinary experience. Aimed at master’s graduates in architecture, design and engineering who wish to acquire or improve specific skills in the field of design, construction and management of a social-healthcare facility and of the city that promotes the wellbeing of its residents, the programme consists of a six-month period of theoretical courses held by IUAV lecturers and professionals in the sector divided into three main areas:
– theory, safety, regulations and preliminary architectural design of healthcare facilities;
– architectural design and interior design of healthcare facility;
– city-based care, wellness infrastructure and design of community care and support centres.
On completion of the theoretical phase, there will be an internship and a master’s thesis to be carried out at a company or a professional firm operating in the sector. The academic objectives are 60 credits, of which 45 credits are achieved through theoretical courses and 15 through the company internship and the master’s thesis. At the end of the course, the title of 2nd Level University Master’s Degree will be awarded.
Course Description
The Master course will be organised as follows:
Module I – Propaedeutics to the architectural design of a hospital or social-health facility (15 CFU) (7 weeks);
Module II – Design and layout of the interior of a hospital or social-health facility (15 CFU) (8 weeks);
Module III – Design for city care, therapeutic RSA gardens and community support day centres (15 CFU) (9 weeks);
Module IV: Internship and project thesis at companies in the sector or professional firms (13 weeks); Final Jury and Presentation of the Master Thesis.
Course duration
One year, for a total of 1500 hours, 375 hours of which of frontal teaching and 750 hours of individual study. 375 hours of 3-month-long internship, with mandatory attendance, will be spent developing a design thesis (feasibility study) in companies in the sector or professional firms, with which the University will establish an agreement necessary to validate the Master degree.
Course locations
Thursday 2pm-7pm and Friday 9am-7pm: University Iuav of Venice
Saturday 9am-1pm: Ospedale dell’Angelo, Mestre (January-March) Ospedale SS.Giovanni e Paolo, Venice (April-June)
Calendar of activities
18 November deadline for application and payment of the registration fee.
2 December publication of results, allocation of grants, and terms for the payment of course fees.
23 January -25 July theoretical courses.
17-18 and 24-25 July Workshop / Career day (local companies will be invited to view the exhibition of work and agree on the thesis project)
8 September – 26 November Internship and thesis at companies in the sector or professional firms
12 December Final Jury – Presentation of Master’s Thesis