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Course programme 2023-24

The educational programme of Master in Architettura e Salute – aimed at post-graduates in architecture, design and engineering, who wish to acquire or deepen specific skills in the area of design, construction and management of a health and social structure and of the city that takes care of people – consists of a semester of theoretical courses held by IUAV teachers and professionals in the sector divided into 3 main areas: a) Theory, Safety, Regulations and Preliminary Design in the healthcare sector b) Psychology, Spatial Perception and Interior Design in the healthcare sector c) Urban and Landscape Design outside the healthcare sector. At the end of the 3 Modules, a 4th Module will be dedicated to the Internship and Design Thesis to be carried out at a company in the healthcare sector or professional firm. The course is characterised by a broad interdisciplinary experience that aspires to the academic objective of 60 credits, 45 of which obtained during the theoretical courses and 15 through the professional internship and the design thesis.

Course structure

The course will be organised by modules, each one aiming to a different design objective:

Module I: Preparatory courses for architectural design, construction and management of a hospital or healthcare facility (15 CFU) (5 weeks);

Module II: Architectural design and interior design of a hospital ward and a patient room (15 CFU) (5 weeks);

Module III: Sustainable design of urban spaces with therapeutic qualities and community assistance and support centers. Shared spaces, nature and well-being (15 credits) (5 weeks);

Module IV: Internship and development of the project thesis in companies in the sector or professional firms (13 weeks); Final jury – Presentation of the Master’s Thesis.

Course duration

One year, for a total of 1500 hours, 375 hours of which of frontal teaching and 750 hours of individual study. 375 hours of 3-month-long internship, with mandatory attendance, will be spent developing a design thesis (feasibility study) in companies in the sector or professional firms, with which the University will establish an agreement necessary to validate the Master degree.

Course locations

Thursday 2pm-7pm and Friday 9am-7pm: University Iuav of Venice
Saturday 9am-1pm: Ospedale dell’Angelo, Mestre (January-March) Ospedale SS.Giovanni e Paolo, Venice (April-June)

Calendar of activities

30 November 2023: launch conference of the Master in Architettura e Salute (with simoultaneus translation in English)
15 December 2023: deadline for applying and paying the registration fee
15 January 2024: publication of results and terms for the payment of course fees.
8 February 2024: commencement of the course programme.
15-20 July 2024: Master Thesis Workshop and Career Day (Local companies will be invited to the exhibition of the students’ work and arrange the theme of the thesis project)
September 2-November 29, 2024: Internship in companies or professional firms in the healthcare sector and undertaking of the Design Thesis
13 December 2024: Final Jury – Presentation of the Master Thesis

Course schedule for the academic year 2023-24

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