Architectural design for the hospital of the future

The next-generation hospital will be digital, sustainable and flexible, to cope with the ever-changing social, urban and epidemiological scenario. It will be an open architecture integrated with the external ecosystem and a ‘city within a city’, a Health Campus with the patient at its centre.
These are some of the guidelines for the meta-design of the New Generation Hospital that have emerged from the Jrp (Joint Research Platform) research and innovation project of Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, whose strategic partners include Deerns Italia, an engineering and consulting company for sustainable building.
Hospitals of the future will also be discussed in Venice, on 30 November, in the San Domenico hall of the SS. Giovanni e Paolo, during an international conference that will examine five case studies of new generation hospitals. The meeting will be an opportunity to present the new 2nd level master’s degree in Architecture and Health at Iuav University, of which Caterina Frisone will be the scientific head.
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Photo: © Duccio Malagamba